Dear miR Scientific and New Reality Solutions (NRS) family,
Throughout the arc of recorded history, no civilization has been spared interludes of strife. The strife burdening humanity today is of a historic magnitude; the social fabric on which we rely for our existential sustenance has begun to fray. From its tattered gaps, the metastasis of ignorance, injustice and hate have once again begun to escape into our daily lives. The consequence of vitriol, unchecked and unchallenged, has been directed at communities whose sole provocation is, and has been, complete innocence.
Even we, as a community of professionals (and our families) being united by the uncommon strength of common cause to improve the world, find that we are not immune from the strife around us. In the United States, the Asian community has been pushed to the forefront of communities long burdened with the scourge of deliberate vilification. These injustices include unprovoked acts of hate, indifference, and even violence against its individuals and families. The attacks have transpired against the old and the young, against our men and our women. The victims of these crimes were merely conducting their daily routines on the same streets and amongst the same communities that, only weeks ago, presented no threat to them. Terrible and dark chapters of our history remind us that indiscriminate acts of violence inject persistent fear and anxiety, thereby triggering stress and trauma to all the members of the burdened community.
Insomuch as it is our goal to create profound solutions for humanity from our corporate work, we have a far higher and unequivocal duty to support one another; to be good neighbors and effective members of our communities. As one of your colleagues, I would like to take this opportunity to extend, without limit, my waking moments and modest capabilities to any member of our team, their families, or members of their communities, who need someone to stand by their side, and remind them that they are us, and we them. When they are besieged, so are we; when they are attacked, we too are attacked; when they feel anxious, we are anxious, and when they experience the blind, enraged and unintelligible vitriol from the ignorant emboldened by strife, we are there by their side as one with them, to offer unconditional love and solidarity. No member of our team, their families, or their communities should ever sense that they are alone and vulnerable. Never: we all stand as one, and as one, we are unbreakable.
As of today, it is the official policy of our companies to prioritize the support and safety of our colleagues who need support of any kind for themselves, their families or community, arising from targeted hate. Should you or your family become a victim of or witness to such attacks, please immediately reach out: we will arrange for you to be accompanied in filing any report, connecting you with any support resources needed, and will be there with you at each step of the recovery process. Likewise, should you feel concerned about your due process or rights being potentially compromised or ignored, please reach out. We will provide initial legal advice and support including, wherever possible, documenting and preserving your concern to avoid potential injustice. These are simply examples of areas we can anticipate helping; however, the principle of support and help extends beyond the predictable, and we are committed to going the extra mile in upholding the livelihood of those targeted by hate. Of course, as per our written policies and our expectations, the Company has a no-tolerance policy regarding harassment and other forms of misbehavior directed to or from members of our teams, vendors, or contractors. Please always empower us with suggestions and examples of useful support you may have experienced elsewhere so we can quickly and efficiently adopt them.
Being a company aspiring to be defined by our inclusion and diversity means that we are a broad community with members whose lives may be impacted by the structural and spontaneous hate, injustice, and ignorance of others. In the past weeks, many of us had the somber reminder of Remembrance Day for Holocaust survivors, many of us witnessed injustice being adjudicated for slain members of the Black community. Now, many of us see individuals of Asian descent being attacked in the busy streets of NYC and elsewhere. This threat of violence against our colleagues and their families remind us that the arc of history during strife remains manifest and rising. As we go about our daily tasks, please take a moment and be even more cognizant than usual for our colleagues who may benefit from being reminded of your commitment, love, empathy, and support.
Yours truly,